Explore Our Results

About Me

  • My organization skills developed from being raised by a father who saved everything. Accumulating clutter made everyday life harder as I got older and became a parent of my own. Job opportunities lost from being unable to find my social security card. Being disorganized makes getting things done that much harder. Not finding what I needed when I needed it pushed me approach where I put things where it was easy for me to see and therefore use. The amount of glasses I kept was determined by the length of my cabinet and how far I can reach comfortably. This along with decluttering daily makes being home a peaceful place.

    Feel Free Club began to in 2016 to share organization design with those who desired a home that makes things easier just like I had.

    2023 LEED Associate
    2023 Russel Innovation Entrepreneur Center stakeholder
    2021-2023 Development Watch PSE 2017-2019 NAPO Board
    2016- Feel Free Club est.

  • For people to live in homes that make them feel better about life. My practices are based on the values that every human has the right to live in a home healthy for their mind and body. I am committed to transforming the environments we work and live into healthier spaces for humans and the planet. Transparency on my journey of using organization to create true freedom for myself and everyone else can be found on the blog.

    We are committed to being good stewards of the environment and socially responsible.

  • How we care for our clients:
    How we care for our team:
    How we care for the environment:
    How we care for the community:

  • 1.video consultation to assess space and schedule first appointment
    2. declutter
    3. organized design
    4. maintenance

Results That Speak For Itself